Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Our Song

At the Moving Up ceremony, graduating 5th graders sang the Edgewood School Song one last time. It's always moving and fascinating to see Edgewood students singing their school anthem from memory and with pride. Mostly because Edgewood is the only school in Scarsdale where students routinely sing their song. In fact, it's believed that only two of the elementary schools have their own songs. Former Edgewood music teachers Dorothy Bench and Ernest Villas wrote this song in 1979 to commemorate the school's 60th anniversary. Little did they know that the song they had written to honor Edgewood's history, would one day become a beloved part of it. -- Paul Tomizawa

The Edgewood School Song
Words and Music by Dorothy Bench and Ernest Villas (1979)
Ernest Villas (1979)

In Scarsdale town there’s a special place called Edgewood
Where friendly people live on tree-lined streets
And children’s voices fill the air with laughter and in play
About a place that we would surely say…

Edgewood School is the finest place to be
Edgewood School kids and teachers all agree
That we’re number one both in school and fun
Edgewood School’s the place to be

Edgewood School where our friendships grow each day
Edgewood School both in class and where we play
And our friends we’ll see by the rock at three
Pals forever we will be

All these memories we will cherish
And in future years we’ll sing:
Oh Edgewood School you’re the best of everything!

Edgewood School where our talents all have grown
Edgewood School through the teachers we have known
Dorothy Bench (2008)
And the Fair in May by the PTA
Is the highlight of the year

Edgewood School we will someday say goodbye
Edgewood School and in junior, senior high
We will hail the fame and salute the name 

Of our dear old Edgewood School!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Passing the Torch

Graduating 5th graders pass torch
to 4th grade Torch Bearers.
     One of the younger traditions at Edgewood is the Passing of the Torch. The torch signifies the attributes that we admire in an Edgewood student and it is passed on from 5th grade to 4th grade at the final assembly of the year. Dr. Houseknecht reflected on how this tradition got started.
     "About six or seven years ago in Student Council we were discussing the end-of-year assembly, and I asked the kids what things it should include. A fifth grader said we should have the torch. I said, 'Why would we have the torch?  That's for the Olympics." And his response was something like this, 'Well, the torch is symbolic of everything we value at Edgewood.  It's about doing our best and the way we treat each other, and the fifth graders are sort of the role models for that to the younger students. Since we're leaving we could pass that down to the fourth graders who will be in fifth grade next year!' And, ever since then, we have the torch.' So each year a 4th grader was chosen to be the bearer of the torch. A boy one year, a girl the next. Until last year when it was pointed out by one student that alternating by gender would be unfair to some deserving kids. Dr. Houseknecht continues.     
     "After receiving a letter from a student about the potential inequity of choosing a boy one year and a girl the next, she suggested that we choose another method (because some students would never get a chance to be considered). So we discussed lots of options over two meetings.The kids know that it's random, but some thought that was OK to have either sex, but if the same was picked two or three years in a row, then it should just go to the other. Finally at the 11th hour of the second meeting, one student, James Miller said, 'Why not have a boy and a girl?'"
     And so this year, for the second in a row, we had a 4th grade boy and girl receive the torch. We wish them and all of our fourth grade students luck in their leadership roles next year. We know they will make us proud. And all the best to our graduating Class of 2016 as they move into Middle School and beyond.  Be healthy, hopeful, and prosperous, but just as important, wherever you go, always be proud ambassadors of Edgewood School. -- Paul Tomizawa