Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Countdown to 100

A cross cut of copper beech tree
shows timeline of Edgewood history.
     Today we celebrated Edgewood School's 97th birthday. At a school assembly we reflected on nearly a century of learning at Edgewood, through the life of a single copper beech tree. That tree was a mere sapling, when Edgewood opened its doors on January 5, 1919. Last year, after years of providing shade over the Roosevelt Place lawn, it was cut down, dying from a fungal disease. Our Edgewood News reporters first brought us this story last year. It was known as our "Witness Tree." And oh, what it must've seen through the years.
     Recently, Mr. Fitz and several students counted the rings of a preserved cross-cut section from the tree. And they matched those rings with the timeline of some memorable events in Edgewood history. For instance, we remembered Professor Carl Schorske, who was enrolled at Edgewood as a kindergartener in 1919. As Professor Schorske told us during his visit to us in 2007, back then, after a few days in kindergarten, he was promoted to first grade. Apparently, a 5 year old singing a German ballad, a couple years after the end of World War I, is enough to offend a kindergarten teacher and get booted from class. Fortunately, Mrs. Mary Piedalue, Edgewood's first principal, recognized young Carl's intelligence and talent and promoted him to first grade. We also heard an audio recording of Lou Lustenberger, Julie Leerburger, Juliette Goldsmith, and James Conlan talking about life in the neighborhood during World War II. And then there was William Reilly, current 3rd grade teacher and former Edgewood student in the 70s who was inspired to sing by his music teacher at the time.
    Finally, Dr. Houseknecht talked about the Edgewood time capsule that was assembled in 1994 for Edgewood's 75th anniversary. It was installed under the first floor steps closest to Mrs. Lamonaca's room and there it remains until our centennial celebration in 2019. Can't wait to see what's inside!
- Paul Tomizawa

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