Saturday, September 30, 2017

Edgewood's Library Learning Commons

Roosevelt Place view.
The Edgewood Library is currently undergoing a structural makeover, but when it emerges from drop cloths and protective sheetrock, it will be remade as our Library Learning Commons. The term "learning commons" dates back to the 1990s as higher ed began to rethink the purpose of the library and how it meets the needs of today's learners. Today's learning commons have been influenced by the thinking of a number of educators and librarians, including most recently David Loertscher, who view the library as the heart of the school community.

It is a creative space for participatory learning where teachers and students collaborate, design, and build in flexible learning spaces. The learning commons provides the school community with access to information, by way of traditional media (books, photos, magazines, etc) and archives. It provides spaces for small and whole group discussion and collaboration, as well as quiet spaces where learners can immerse themselves in the joy of reading, writing, and making.
collaborative corner
Thoughtful and comfortable in
Mrs. Blackley's room.
The task of designing the Edgewood Library Learning Commons will rest with the students and staff of Edgewood school. In the coming months, we'll invite them to participate in conversations on how physical and virtual space impacts student and professional learning. This, however, is not a new conversation. Last year, we began these discussions using a district Center for Innovation grant to examine flexible learning spaces through our use of Room 18, which became a laboratory for reconfiguring classroom space. Since then, teachers have been busy reworking their own classrooms. More to come. - Paul Tomizawa

Mrs. Theall's students surveying library construction

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Walking School Bus Walks Again

Edgewood's Walking School Bus has begun its first rounds of the year. This bus is not fueled by gas, but by students and parents looking to get some fresh air and exercise on their way in to Edgewood School. The bus uses the typical routes. As people join at their stops, the routes look like a parade, with friends and family marching towards school. Edgewood first introduced the Walking School Bus in 2008. Below is the write-up and interviews from an Edgewood Historical Society feature introducing the Walking School Bus that year (pardon the quality of the video):

An Edgewood Historical Society Time Machine Takes Us to 2008

Mrs. Anders welcomes the Walking School Buses in 2008.

"The Edgewood School community replaced their morning buses with the Walking School Bus. Students, family members, and teachers joined in the walk to school along the usual bus routes in a unified gesture to “Go Green.”About 250 students walked to school along the Clarence/Sprague, Drake/Forest, Potter Road, and Popham/Taunton bus routes. Owen, a 4t grader was one of the many students who made the walk. He spoke to a few others on the way to school and edited this audio story, which features interviews with Gabriella/5th grade, Mason/2nd grade, Xavier/4th grade, and Dr. Houseknecht."

(This video was first published on May 30, 2008)

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Saturday, September 9, 2017

Collaborative Kickoff

Our Specials teaching team (art, music, PE, library, technology) met with the entire student body on the first day of school. We introduced students to aspects of our subject areas, while reinforcing the ideas of teamwork, empathy, and perseverance that are so important to learning successfully at Edgewood School.

The Specials teaching team planned activities for group sessions with classes from grades K-1, 2-3, and 4-5. Each activity required students to think on their feet... but really together with lots of feet! Collaboration was essential to completing these tasks.

The Technology and Library team featured Mr. Tomizawa (me) and our awesome new librarian Mrs. Alison Turner. Students were challenged with engineering tasks such as building tall and strong structures and for our youngest students, reconstructing a familiar story, the Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Ms. Houston, along with Ms. Forte, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Orengo (strings), created their own mash-up with Spanish and Music, combining Spanish vocabulary with the knowledge of instruments and familiar songs.
The Physical Education and Art team was led by Coach Weigel and Mr. Fitzpatrick. They combined physical activity with an understanding of the composting process at Edgewood.
These Specials team events were all fast-paced and fun. At times, the gym was as raucous as a stadium. So while classroom teachers took this opportunity to meet and plan together, their students chanted and cheered on their teammates. And everyone, students and teachers alike, took away great memories from the first day of school. - Paul Tomizawa