Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Frosty Unveiled

Yet another wild surprise at the annual Edgewood Winter Assembly. This year's mystery Frosty the Snowman turned out to be Mrs. Pagel. But for days, students had wondered aloud and in online voting "Who will be this year's Frosty?" Since 2008, a member of the Edgewood School community has snuck into the Frosty costume and danced to "Let It Snow" after coming alive when the magical hat was placed on its head.

During the assembly, the build-up to the Frosty reveal typically features a nutty... circa 1980s madcap, sitcom storyline that draws out the mystery. Dr. Houseknecht is the ringleader, sending teachers off the Gym floor, one by one, to provide assistance to some strange backstage incident. And as each teacher disappears backstage, the suspense builds. After all, in the mind of a K-5 student, one of those teachers is bound to be this year's Frosty...right? Right?!

This year's Frosty was accompanied by the Frosty Dance Troupe featuring Mrs. Ross, Ms. Rosado, Ms. Benitez, Ms. Peterson, and Ms. Marques. Happy Holidays Edgewood!
 -- Paul Tomizawa

Frosty is flanked by the Frosty Dance Troupe.

This year's Frosty is revealed!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Edgewood Toy Drive

Edgewood students delivered a bounty of toys to Cardinal McCloskey Community Services during our annual drive. But fourth graders Charles Rich and Chase Timberger can do a better job of telling this story. Here's how they experienced it, as reposted from Edgewood News.

This year we went on a field trip to deliver toys from our school’s annual Toy Drive to Cardinal McCloskey Community Services in Valhalla. Our toys and clothes will go to more than 5000 kids and adults. Usually when we donate a toy, we don't know where it goes and we just forget about it forever.
But this year we went with lucky Ms. Mangani’s class on a field trip to Cardinal McCloskey to deliver all the toys that Edgewood families donated. Last year Cardinal McCloskey collected about 70,000 items and they are hoping to get even more this year.

Before Ms. Mangani’s class went on the trip, the whole second grade passed all the toys down a line and loaded them onto the bus
(see video below). When we arrived at Cardinal McCloskey we were met by their event planner, Kerry Gutenkunst.
When we first entered the Cardinal McCloskey Community Services, the second grade started to sort all of the toys onto tables. The categories were Stuffed Animals, Board Games, Arts and Crafts, Puzzles and Games, and even Clothes. Ms. Gutenkunst reminded us of the important thing we were doing. It’s not just about getting presents, it’s about giving too.

“When you wake up Christmas morning or another holiday you celebrate and you’re opening up a present, remember that there’s going to be another kid opening up one because of what you did,” says Ms. Gutenkunst.

We are definitely thankful for what we have. Thank you Edgewood School for your donations!

Team Edgewood delivers our donated toys
to Cardinal McCloskey Community Services.

Edgewood students deliver toy donations
to Cardinal McCloskey Community Services

-- Paul Tomizawa